Changelog :
(N)ew (U)pdate (E)rase (W)arning
= Rev 2.7.1
(U) Examples: PortDivToFenix, new Multiplayer NET and Fsock examples,
test06(Savegame.WindowsVistaAndLinuxExample), arraySize,
PathFind, ControlPointEditor, test07(scale_mode),
(U) Update docs
(U) Flamebird MX 0.5.3 (IDE) cvs update and vb source code included.
(U) M8ee Lite V0.5.2
(U) M8ee J3D New preview with screenshots
(U) SGL v0.16b, 3D Library (dll source code included)
Download Intaller (Download) or Zip version (download)
Mirror Server (Download)
Changelog :
(N)ew (U)pdate (E)rase (W)arning
= Rev 2.7.1
(U) Examples: PortDivToFenix, new Multiplayer NET and Fsock examples,
test06(Savegame.WindowsVistaAndLinuxExample), arraySize,
PathFind, ControlPointEditor, test07(scale_mode),
(U) Update docs
(U) Flamebird MX 0.5.3 (IDE) cvs update and vb source code included.
(U) M8ee Lite V0.5.2
(U) M8ee J3D New preview with screenshots
(U) SGL v0.16b, 3D Library (dll source code included)
Download Intaller (Download) or Zip version (download)
Mirror Server (Download)